Two Types of Acclimation Procedures and Berghia Specific Instructions:
Scoop Method:
·Make saltwater with the same water parameters as your aquarium (this will be to replace water lost during acclimation after acclimation is completed)
orAs an alternative you can add saltwater to your sump prior to acclimation so that less or no water is needed to be added following acclimation
·Dim aquarium lights, these should remain dimmed for at least 6 hours
·Place coral, fish, or invertebrate purchased into a bucket with the water it was shipped with
·Every 5 minutes add one cup of aquarium water to the bucket. For every three scoops of water added to the bucket one scoop of water should be discarded. This should be done for 40 minutes to an hour. At this point the water salinity in the bucket should be the same or with .001 of the aquarium water. If not continue acclimating.
·Next place the fish, invertebrate, or coral into your aquarium while allowing as little acclimation water as possible to enter your aquarium
·Discard acclimation water
·Use the saltwater you prepared prior to acclimation to replace water lost during acclimation
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL CORALS - The 3 week 3 step process for coral placement
-Place all corals received on bottom of tank on sandbed for 1 week
-If moving to higher location, move up 1/3 of tank maximum for the next full week.
-If moving still higher, move up another 1/3 of the tank maximum for for the next full week
-And if still moving higher, move up to final location in after that.
-Faliure to follow the above instructions can result in bleaching and coral death.
Drip Method (This is our preferred method of acclimation):
·Make saltwater with the same water parameters as your aquarium (this will be to replace water lost during acclimation after acclimation is completed)
orAs an alternative you can add saltwater to your sump prior to acclimation so that less or no water is needed to be added following acclimation
·Dim aquarium lights, these should remain dimmed for at least 6 hours
·Place coral, fish, or invertebrate purchased into a bucket with the water it was shipped with
·Siphon water from your aquarium to the bucket using airline tubing with a knot tied in it. The knot is to slow done the rate of water entering the bucket. The water should drip into the bucket at a steady rate. Every ten minutes remove water to return the bucket to the original water level. Do this for 40 minutes to an hour at which point the salinity in the bucket should be within .001 of the salinity in your aquarium
·Next place the fish, invertebrate, or coral into your aquarium while allowing as little acclimation water as possible to enter your aquarium
·Discard acclimation water
·Use the saltwater you prepared prior to acclimation to replace water lost during acclimation
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL CORALS - The 3 week 3 step process for coral placement
-Place all corals received on bottom of tank on sandbed for 1 week
-If moving to higher location, move up 1/3 of tank maximum for the next full week.
-If moving still higher, move up another 1/3 of the tank maximum for for the next full week
-And if still moving higher, move up to final location in after that.
-Faliure to follow the above instructions can result in bleaching and coral death.
Berghia Specific Instructions:
-Temperature match for 15 minutes by floating unopened shipment bag with Berghia away from hot lights and turbulent water.
- Use drip method. If the Berghia a light in color, please add in an Aiptasia so they can have something to eat.
- Feed fish first.
- Switch off power heads.
- Switch off lights to minimize fish thinking you are putting in food.
- Release Berghia on rock-work away from high flow areas.
- DO NOT release directly on aiptasia. Aiptasia will sting and eat your berghia. Place berghia near aiptasia, but not close enough for direct contact.
- What works pretty well is to use a shot glass to transfer the Berghia after you have completed acclimation. Let the Berghia get a grip and then turn the glass upside down on uneven rocks. This way the Berghia will be able to crawl out of the glass.
- Berghia are aiptasia predators. They will find the aiptasia.